Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lessons From Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is the richest person of the world today who has contributed $31 billion for social activities.

His thoughts and actions, for me, are so amazing that I feel like I want to be like the way he is. Well, hope so I can. All I need is just have a faith in myself that I can do it and I will do it.

Hmm..Ok here are some of his amazing thoughts and actions:
1. He bought a little farm when he was 14 by using his saving that he got from delivering newspaper. This is telling us that something can be bought by just a little saving.

2. He still lives in his little house that has 3 bedrooms where he has been living there since he got married 50 years ago. He said, "I have everything in this house."
This one is telling us that do not buy something that you do not really need, and teach young people to also have the same thought.

3. He drives his car by himself to everywhere he likes, and he does not need any driver or bodyguard for him. This is telling us to be ourselves.

4. He never rides his own jet although he has the biggest jet company of the world. This is telling us to always think enough for what we have.

Warren Buffet does not only has amazing thoughts and actions but also has great advices for young people. Here are some his advices:
1. Money do not create people. It is people who create money.
2. Live simply just like the way you are.
3. Don't do what people say to you, but just listen to them, and do what's good only.
4. Don't wear something that has brand or trade-mark, but use what's comfortable for you.
5. Don't spend your money for something unimportant.
6. If you succeed in doing those, share with others and teach them to do so.



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